About us

The Jerusalem Worship Center



The Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God: written by the Holy men of old as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. II Peter 1:20-21.


There is one God who is infinite in power, Holy in nature, attributes and purpose: omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. We believe that He was revealed to us: the Father in creation, the Son in redemption and the Holy Spirit in His comforting grace that never leaves those who trust in Him. I Corinthians. 8:6; Eph. 4:6; II Corinthians. 3:17, 5:19


In Jesus Christ dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; for it pleased the Father that in Him should all the fullness dwell. Col. 2:9; Col. 1:19.  In the virgin birth; Jesus was both human and divine. God manifest in the flesh.. St. Matt. 1:23; I Tim. 3:16.


We believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. We believe that He ascended on high and has sent His Spirit, the Holy Ghost, which was poured out at Jerusalem over 2000 years ago, and is still filling the hearts of those who diligently seek Him today. Acts 2:14.


We believe in water baptism (by immersion) in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost, speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. This constitutes the new birth. Acts 2:4, 38.


At the Worship Center, we’re out to reach more lives than ever before for the Kingdom of God, promoting a positive Gospel of life and salvation in Jesus Christ. We want to touch broken, hurting, and desperate lives with the love of God and the understanding that Christ came to give them life and that more abundantly.


JWC is a 300 member church located downtown in the beautiful city of Umatilla, Fl. an is known as The Land Of Jerusalem.  Founded in 1981, the Jerusalem Worship Center has long been a spiritual pillar of the city of Umatilla.  We are a friendly, family-oriented congregation that looks to make a difference in our community with the power of the Gospel.


Our services happen every Sunday at 10:a.m., with a mid-week Bible Class on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. 


We invite you to come as you are.  Many people dress up for service, others wear business casual which  seems to be most popular, blue jeans are welcomed, and just whatever makes you feel at home, but that is decent and in order, for The Lords House.  The bottom line is that dress isn’t the issue.  Instead get ready for a true Worship Experience.


We have a wealth of parking space onsite and in our outlying lots. All of our lots are monitored daily by our friendly uniformed church security personnel, who are happy to assist you with parking, and any other needs that will support you in getting to our Worship Services.


Our outreach ministries are known for its ability to reach out to other community agencies and organizations, and the ability to combine with them to reach a far greater group of people in the surrounding neighborhoods.  Our Back To School festival, Praise In The Park, has become a great hit to friends, families and students of the community.


Our Jerusalem-Night Children’s Ministry is known for its creativity in introducing  your child’s interest in knowing God, and learning about His ways.  You can expect the support of experienced children teachers, interactive video and audio visual aids, as well as field trips, just to name a few of the exciting offerings of this ministry.


The JGC (Joshua Generation Church) Youth Ministry is tailored for teens and young adults.  It’s an anointed, energy filled worship experience that your youth never experience anywhere else.  JGC Services happen each 4TH Sunday.


During the “altar call” in the final moments of the service, prayer is available for anyone who desires it. 


Don’t have transportation?  We provide free bus service for those who would like to attend our services on Sundays.  For more information, call us at 352-669-6011.

If you have any questions, just use our contact form or call 352-669-6011.  We’d love to hear from you, and remember, you are always welcome at The Worship Center.


God has brought the Jerusalem Worship Center “a mighty long way.” From the original 14-member congregation, formed in a 100 year old purchased wooden church by 3 members, to today’s 300-member 500 seat sanctuary, has been the catalyst to keep JWC on an upward swing. The church originally was named, First Jerusalem Community Church.


Rev. Robert Smith 1981 – 1984

Yes, it all started with Rev. Smith, his wife, and (3) officers of the church.  Early on, there was great opposition, incredibly lean years when the congregation was forced to to take personal incomes to maintain the ministry. They were often unable to pay the bills, and were deep in debt. Yet, like Abraham, they believed God, and walked on by faith.

Rev. Boston Vickers 1984 – 1994

God exchanged the mantle of the church to Pastor Vickers. He was a dynamic leader, a highly respected clergyman, and a visionary. Under his leadership as pastor, First Jerusalem saw a tremendous turnaround. He came when the struggling church appeared to be on its last legs.  Thousands of dollars in debt, with no relief in sight.  It was a struggle just to keep the lights on, but God was faithful.  The turnaround came and  First Jerusalem began its move in the right direction in become a moving spiritual force in the community.  “First Jerusalem Community Church”, as it was then called, began its journey of becoming a pillar of the, a place of hope, a refuge for the broken, hurting and the lost. Pastor Vickers then decided to embark on his retirement and decided that it was time for him to past the mantle.

Rev. Robert Smith 1994 – 1996

In 1990 Rev. Smith returned as Pastor once again, with a new voice and a new direction for the church. The ministry set out once again in an attempt to reach the lost and to provide a place of refuge for those who were in search of God. The church began to grow and it began to find its purpose. As many other ministries have done in the past, First Jerusalem seemed to have hit a bump in the road and its forward progress seemed to turn into what seemed to be a standstill. After operating in an interim capacity, Rev. Smith advised First Jerusalem that it was time for them to seek a new leader. A search team was formed and set out to find the new leader for the ministry. Min. G. Ogiste then acting as the interim official, stepped in and kept the church headed in what he thought was the right direction. The search team had several months of no luck in finding their new and improved leader. Then the Lord inspired one of the team members to take a look at what God had placed in their presence, in that of Min. Ogiste. It was said that the church had begun to turn in a positive direction just by the few changes that he had made in such a short time at the helm. Therefore the board decided to offer him an opportunity to lead them as their new Pastor. 

Bishop Gregory Ogiste, Sr. 1996 – Present

Under the dynamic leadership of Rev. Ogiste, First Jerusalem experienced tremendous growth spiritually and economically. “O” Taste and see that the Lord is good,” quotes Rev. Ogiste from Psalms 34:8. Rev. Ogiste puts these words into action. He broke “religious tradition,” constantly teaching the word of God in an uncompromising way. He is a loving shepherd of a church that calls itself, “The church of a second chance, where Faith, Hope, and Love keeps us together.” I Corinthians 13:13.

At the recommendations of Reverend Ogiste, the congregation approved a most fitting name, “Jerusalem Worship Center,” (October 3, 2002). John 4:23:24. Reverend Ogiste, inspired by God, had a vision to Build God A House”Psalms 127:1 and to set the house in order. Ezekiel 43:10. Our growth is steady, some planting, some watering, and God is continuing the increase. I Corinthians 3:6. The church has a motto of “Our Worship Is For Real”